Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Diamond D Club

Do Not Forget the Diamond D Club, This Thursday  June 23, 2011 at 6:00 pm Sherry's Home!
Please bring Lap Tops, Dongles and such!
We need someone to bring a desert email me and tell me who wants to, I will provide the Pizza

We will be going over 5D sketch So bring your pads and pens if you have them.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Now you can take a class to make the Toddler Two-Piece bathing suit from Sew Beautiful issue #130!  

Let me know if any one wants to make this cute Swim Suit

Friday, May 13, 2011

Block of the Month Project Starting Tuesday September 13, 2011

Remember if you do not have a Majestic hoop, I did the first few blocks on my Designer 1, I will show you how to line it up!. So come and learn the ins and outs of your machine!

Start by Picking Fabric and Thread here is how to pick both

Quilt Block of the Month Starting September  13, 2011 , Then on October 11, 2011, November 8 2011, January 10 2012, February, March, April, May, and June,  (The rest of  the dates are every 2nd Tuesday.)

Start by picking out your favorite Kona Cotton Color. Get 7-8  Yards (Please make sure it is Kona Cotton)

Next lay your fabric down on the table and pick out two white colors, they have to be different shades so you can choose snow white or natural white, or you can use a light cream color or a medium Cream color.  Make sure the two white like threads match or look good on your fabric.

Now you are picking a very dark or almost black color Thread.  So if it is green get a very dark green that looks almost black if it is blue get a very dark navy that looks almost black. Make sure it looks good on your fabric and get a black like color

Next, Pick a Variegated Color that matches your fabric.  Look at the colors in the variegated thread pick 3 spools of thread That match the Variegated color.

Now pick your three favorite colors that match your fabric or look good on your fabric

Now pick three shades of light color thread That Match your fabric or look good on your fabric

Now pick three shades of medium color That Match your fabric or look good on your fabric

Now pick three shades of Dark color that match your fabric or look good on your fabric

Now I found myself picking my yarn and then two colors of embroidery thread that match the yarn

Now we will be lining our block but the fabric can be bought later so just keep that in mind.

Ok, So Now The First Two Blocks are done, You will need The Cards by September
Husqvarna Viking Card Number  224 Design #1 Thread Velvet Decor II

Husqvarna Viking Card Number 229 Design #9  Majestic Seasons  

The Photos Really do not do Justice to the Quilt blocks This fern is very Pretty in real life

you will need the following Cards by October

Husqvarna Viking Card Number  219 Design #4 & #13 Romantic Cutwork 
Husqvarna Viking Card Number  201 Design #10 Floral Cutwork

you will need the following Cards by November 
Husqvarna Viking Card Number  209 Designs #1 & # 2  Majestic Yarn Quilting You will need (yarn and the yarn foot)

This Design came from your Sampler Disks you do not need to purchase anything else for it

Husqvarna Viking Card Number  198 Design # 7 or  #8 Candle Wicking Creations

Remember if you do not want to buy the cards you can download individual Designs at

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Thank You

Thank You to all who attended My class/Birthday Party Last night all of you have mad it a great time for me.
You are all very kind..... Teddy Bears are over ...... We all know our software....... We are looking Forward in September to get to know our Machines........check back photos will be posted soon of the new blocks!
By the Way Happy Birthday to Jalene her birthday was May 10...

Diamond D Club or UFO Retreat Aug 26th, 2011 at 6ish

Attention: Attention: Read All About It:

For your UFO Night in Aug we are having a Mini workshop on getting to know your sewing/embroidery Machine. We will be loading our Favorite Wave file on our machine so bring your favorite file, We will know how to do the basics on configuration, (and not so basic stuff) We will learn how to reposition an embroidery if we have embroidered on it and then taken out of the hoop! And Many More fun little tricks then You can do all of your UFO's you came to do

See You There with a .wave file!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

5D Pro Class on May 14, 2011 Time 10:00 am Cost $15.00

5D Portrait Stitch
we will be going over how to run this wonderful program!
Lets Make this clear there is two 5D Portrait Wizard one in the Family Tree Section and one in the 5D Portrait Section.  Now We will not be going over the wizard in Either Program Saturday.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

New Martha Pullen Sew Beautiful Class Club Project

This Project is Available only at your SBCC participating Dealer (Yes I am a SBCC Dealer)
Sew Beautiful Class Club Belle Heir Dainty Designs Dress
The embroidery on the Color and cuffs and pocket are done in the hoop.
This class is being Taught in the Viking Sewing Gallery Sept 27, 2011,( Part A) October 4, 2011 (Part B)
The Cost is $25.00 for the Class and $15.00 for the embroidery Designs ($15. Embroidery Design fee paid to the teacher the night of class)  Plus Supplies 6-8 pm

To complete this dress you will need to purchase From Marthapullen.com  
Dainty Designs pattern
If you want to make this for your little boy you can down load this Variation as a digital Download from Marthapullen.com  but you will still need the pattern above
The embroidery on the Collar and pockets and cuffs are done in he hoop.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Wow Free Standing Lace

Tuesday May 3rd We will be doing Free standing lace. 6:00 pm at the Viking Sewing Gallery Cost is $15.00  Please Bring Laptops and Dongles