Wednesday, December 26, 2012

January 2013 classes

Viking Husqvarna


Please Call them if you want to sign up for a class

January 8, 2013. Martha Pullen 30th Anniversary Quilt Block. Time 6:00 pm Cost is $15.00 plus supplies

We will be doing the Center Top Block the Puffing and Sharks Teeth.
Please bring 3 x 20 inch Fabric Strip, White Glue stick,
two 10 x 13 inch Rectangles, blue wash away marker and basic sewing supplies Sewing machine in good working order.

January 12, 2013 5D Pro Free Standing Lace. Time 10:00 am Cost:$15 plus supplies

Please Bring Laptops and dongles.

January 15, 2013 Cute & Sassy Apron. Time 6:00 pm Cost:$15 plus supplies

Supplies Needed
7/8 Yard for the body, Waistband & Ties
1 Yard for the ruffle Ruffler or Gathering food for your machine is helpful
7” Square for the pocket

Sewing thread to match
Basic Sewing Supplies: Scissors, Pins, Tape measure, Seam ripper
Sewing Machine in good working order.

January 16, 2013 Fancy Band Pillow Case. Time 6:00 pm Cost:$15 plus supplies


Supplies Needed

3/8 Yard for the Band

7/8 yard for the Pillow case

11 x 42 inches lightweight fusible interfacing

1 ¼ yard Decorative Trim

Sewing threat to match

Basic sewing supplies, scissors, pins, measuring tape, seam ripper

Sewing Machine in good working order.


January 22, 2013. 5D Pro Smocking Stitches in the Software Time 6:00 pm Cost:$15 plus supplies


Please Bring Laptops and Dongles


 January 29, 2013. Endless hoop  Time 6:00 pm Cost:$15 plus supplies

Endless Hoop embroidery Supply list,

1 Endless hoop
1 machine embroidery design you will stitch in your endless hoop
Fabric or Stabilizer if you are doing lace bring stabilizer anything else bring fabric
Embroidery Thread you want to do your Design in.

Embroidery Machine in good working order.

Classes At Heartfelt Creations 801-233-9028 or



January 17 & 24 , 2013 Men's Necktie Fan Quilt . Time 6:00 pm Cost:$25 plus supplies

This is fun Quick and Easy quilt that is Paper pieced with Neck Ties. This quilt would be perfect for the man who has everything for Father’s Day.  This quilt Measures about 52 x 52 inches.

January 23 & 30 , 2013 Turning Twenty Quilt . Time 6:00 pm Cost: $25 plus supplies


 This is a fun quick and Easy Quilt You can choose what style what time you want.  I will help you with Any of the Turning Twenty Quilts:


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Please Read

It has come to my Attention that I forgot to do the Gift exchange. So anyone wanting to participate we will do small gift sewing/embroidery Related Thursday night before we sew all night!
See you all at the Retreat

Friday, November 16, 2012

Hey! Everyone Do not forget to Get your Free Embroidery Designs, Free patterns and Free stitches for your machines the stitches are for the Diamonds, Rubies and SE's.


Monday, November 5, 2012

Christmas Retreat! Everyone Invited

Christmas Retreat Schedule.  December 27 at 8:00 am to December 29th around 2:00 am

Come and go if you need to but please come! Prizes and all kinds of fun. Remember Sherry does have extra rooms to sleep in!

Remember Everyone Please bring a pot luck!


We will be setting our Sewing Machines up downstairs. So we can have room upstairs! I am bringing my Sewing Machine/Embroidery Machine so I can do things right along with you!

Thursday December 27, 2012   Workshop (hands on)  10:00 to Lunch Time. With all Designer Diamonds and All Ruby's  And any once else who wants to attend.  We will go over all the cool Stuff our Sewing/embroidery machines can do, What the icons do. how to line up a design on the machine, how to touch the right Icon! even how to thread your machines for a double and triple needles. Our Machines are Diamond Minds and we have not found the Diamonds in them! Please bring your sewing machine/embroidery units and all your feet and accessories,  Extra bobbins.  invisible thread, a double needle if you have one. Tear away stabilizer. We will even update our Machines to the new Sept 2012 Release! so you can use the new 80 x 80 hoop!  The Topaz Owners received an update in Aug. So if you do not want to do anything else you really should come to this class to update your Sewing machine.

Thursday December 27, 1:00 pm  Workshop  5D PRO How to make a Ready made lace design Free Standing Lace! Some of the new Designs are not free standing. Lace! For example. You have to stitch out the following design on fabric.  Please bring your Laptops and Dongles.
Thursday December 27, 3:00 pm  Workshop, Software and unzipping questions, Lets get the software you have purchased and have loaded on our Computers!  Lets update or smart update your computer to the lastes 9.5 version. Lets get the free fonts loaded on our computers. lets discuss if the now 5D Stitch Editor Plus is right for you, lets show how to unzip zip and download designs from the Internet, Lets organize our designs etc. Please Bring Laptops and Dongles
Thursday Dec 27, 9:00 pm Our Jeopordy Game! You do not want to miss this. The Winner will get Embroidery Designs!!!!!

After Our jepordy Game We will go down to our Sewing Machines and sew until the stars go home!

How late can we sew on our own projects???????? UFO, So Lets Play a UFO Game I am sure everyone Has an orphaned UFO (Whats and Orphaned UFO? A UFO you do not want to finish and you would hope it finds a new home.) We will put them in a pile Someone else wants to finish it and give it a new home!  You can either work on that or your very own projects! so be prepared to sew a couple of hours. our sewing Machines will be all set up for us to use!!!!!!!!!!!  So if you are not planning on on sewing on an Orphaned UFO please bring 1 project and the items to finish it. You will have time but we Will not get to other items.  Prizes.............Prizes..........Prizes...... so you want to stay for at least a little while sewing!!!!!!!!!

Friday Dec 28, 2012 9:00 am to about Lunch Time:
Software Questions? Anything you want to know about start writing it down now so you can remember.  I May not be able to answer all but I will do my best and find out the answer later and tell you! Anything on how to emboss to making the picture stitch work!
Make sure you laugh at this picture I have felt this way Many Times

Friday Dec 28th, 2012 1:00 pm We will being doing a in the hoop project. it is a cute pocket Wallet. When you are done with the embroideries you will be done with the wallet it is very cute and simple and Easy you will learn how to crazy patch in your hoop along with sewing Items together! There is no sewing involved you get step by step instructions on how to make this project in your hoop!
Please Bring
Supplies you will need:
Tear away Stabilizer
Water Soluble plastic film (sulvy Sulky or water works Not a fabric type)
1 Fat quarter for the outside and inside.
½ yard narrow ribbon to use as ties.
Fabric scraps to make crazy patch pocket in the hoop
Machine embroidery thread Lots of colors
Machine embroidery Hoop size 4x4 or larger
Machine embroidery Hoop size 200 x 360 ( Royal Hoop) or
                   150 x 360 (mega Hoop)
Way to transfer designs to your Machine
December 28th, 2012 about 3:00
We can pack up our embroidery/sewing  machines Eat dinner and play with our computers all night.
There will be prizes about every 1/2 hour through the whole retreat! So you do not want to miss it.
See you all there.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Classes Nov 2012

Classes for November 2012

At The Viking Sewing Gallery Please Call 801-968-8938

November 6, 2012,  9 Patch Pillow Time 6:00 pm  Cost $15.00 plus supplies

Supplies Needed:
1 yard fabric (anything works)
1 yard Contrasting Fabric
Tear away stabilizer
thin cord or 6 strands of embroidery floss
Machine emboridery thread

Regular thread
Air Soluble Marker
Rotary Cutter, mat and ruler.
Circle attachment for your Sewing Machine
Piping foot for your sewing machine
Sewing Machine in good working order. (You need a sewing machine with Many decorative stitches on it)

November 10, 2012 5D Pro Software. Endless and Encore Tools. Time: 10:00 am Cost $15.00

Laptops and dongles.  This class is open to 4D & 5D Embroidery extra customers.
We will be using the Endless tools to combine Designs and the Encore Tools to combine designs and make things like snowflakes.

Come see all the fun things you can do with these Tools!

November 12, 2012 Martha Pullen 30th Anniversary Quilt Time 6:00 pm Cost $15 plus Supplies

Supplies needed
Twin needle, Clear plastic film stablizer (sulvy Sulky)
13 inch Square block (From your fabric)
lap top and dongle, Embroidery Unit Rayon thread, Tear away stablizer for embroidery
Lace cutting scissors
and the rest of the items. needed.
We will be designing some of this block in the software. So please bring your laptops and dongles

November 20, 2012  5D Software Class Putting lace together in the endless and encore tools Time 6:00 pm Cost $15 plus Supplies

Plese Bring Laptops and Dongles 4D & 5D embroidery Extra are welcome to come

November 27th 2012, UFO NIGHT AT THE VIKING GALLERY (un-finished-objects) TIME 4:00- 9:00 pm or when ever you can come. Cost is $15.00 Plus Finger Food!

 Please Bring everything it takes to finish an object! We will have door prizes and fun!

Classes at Heartfelt Creations Please Call  801-233-9028 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting

FREE Or sign up online at http://heartfeltpages.com/


November 1, 2012 paper Piecing or Foundation piecing 101 Time: 6:00 pm Cost $15 plus supplies.

November 7, 2012 Quilting 101 Time: 6:00 pm Cost $15 plus supplies.


November 8, 2012 Make Friends with your Sewing Machine  Time: 6:00 pm Cost $15 plus supplies.

 November 14 & 28th , 2012 Candy Cane Quilt Time: 6:00 pm Cost $25 plus supplies.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Classes October 2012

Classes for October 2012


At the Viking Sewing Gallery Please call and have them put you one the list at


October 2, 2012 baby Burp Cloth Cost $15.00 Plus supplies You get the Embroidery Design for free!

Please Bring:
2/3 yards for the top and 2/3 yards for the back of the burp cloth
1 3/4 yards of 3/4 inch wide Rick Rack
Wash out fabric marker
Sewing thread to match Fabric
Tear Away Stabilizer, Embroidery unit, 12 spools of  embroidery thread, 4x4 hoop and a way to get your design on your embroidery machine,
Please bring your embroidery machine/sewing machine in good working order,

October 9, 2012 30th Anniversary Quilt Block 2 Time: 6:00 pm  Cost $15.00 plus supplies

Please Bring:
Your Fabric we need to cut a Bias Strip if you do not want to use one of mine.
Blue fabric marker
Sewing machine, clear wash away plastic film stabilizer (sulvy sulky)
Lace cutting scissors
All extra lace you have from the last block
Double needle and wing needles
We will not be embroidery on this block. it is the Cathedral Windows at the bottom of the block
basic sewing supplies

Oct 13, 2012 5D Pro Class We will be turning Redwork into Color Work Time: 10:00 am
Cost $15.00 please Bring your Laptops and Dongles

October 16, 2012, Cross Stitch Chart Connection.  Time: 6:00 pm  Cost $15.00 plus supplies
We will be putting two cross stitch charts together and splitting the designs so we can line
them up for a really large design. Please Bring lap tops and dongles
October 23. 2012  We are Embroidering Paper Dolls cost is $20.00 Plus Supplies time 6:00 pm.
We will be making the Carrier and the Embroidered paper dolls, if you do not have the Husqvarna Viking paper doll cards then you can order them or I have a set for you this would be a great Christmas Gift.
Please bring Embroidery unit. A large selection of thread , tear away Stabilizer, peltex, Sulvy sulky clear wash away film, A way to get your designs on your machine. mid size hoops.

Classes at Heartfelt Creations: Please Visit the Website

 CallFREE 801-233-9028
October 10, 2012  Applique 101 Time: 6:00 pm Cost $15.00 plus supplies
Please Bring
Supplies Needed:
1 Fat quarter for the back ground, Back and binding
1/8 yard or scrap of Blue (for water)
1/8 yard or scrap of Brown (for the Boat)
1/8 Yard or scrap of White or cream (for the Sails)
100 Percent cotton Thread
Rotary Cutter, Mat and Ruler at least 8 inches wide.
¼ yard heat and bond light
Scrap of quilt batting or  craft fleece or felt.
Sewing Machine in good working order
Open toe foot if you have one.
Oct 11, 2012  Acorn table runner time 6:00 pm cost is $15 plus supplies
This is a quick and easy Table runner to make just in time for Fall. You will learn machine applique Techniques on this table runner.
Please Bring:
14 x 42 inches of white muslin or white cotton for the back of the table runner
¾ yard brown fabric (some is for stems and Binding)
½ yard Beige or cream fabric (make sure it looks good with the brown)
6 x 15 inch piece of rust for leaves (or 1 fat quarter)
3 x 5 inch piece of Gold for acorn bottoms (or 1 fat quarter)
Blue water soluble marker
Cotton thread to match fabric 
Lightweight fusible web*
Quilt Ruler at least a 12 inch square or larger
Rotary Cutter and mat
Basic sewing supplies, pins, scissors etc.
Safety pins
Quilt batting size 12 inches by 32 ½ inches
Sewing Machine in good working order

Oct 17 & 24, 2012.  Time 6:00 Pm Cost $25.00 + Supplies Souvenir Tee-Shirt Quilt
Turn all Your Souvenir Tee Shirts you have collected into an adorable quilt. This is a fun Quick and Easy Class this Quilt is about 64 x 80 Inches.
Supplies Needed:
12 Souvenir Tee Shirts It does not matter if they have stains on them
2 Yards of Muslin or White fabric for the background of some shirts
¾ yard Sashing
1 yard inner border
1 ½ yards outer border
2 yards of Heat and Bond Lite
2 yards of fusible Medium Weight Interfacing
Applique Pressing Sheet
Cotton Sewing Thread
Rotary Cutter and ruler and mat (The ruler should be at least 15 inches wide)
A 16 x16  Square will work with a long ruler
Basic sewing supplies, Scissors, pin, Seam ripper, measuring tape
Sewing Machine in good working order ¼ inch piecing foot if you have one


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Diamond D Club
Thursday September 27 at 6:00 pm At Sherry's Home Pot luck! Bring something if you can
Bring Laptops and Dongles.

My Etsy Shop For Machine Embroidery Designs Have a new system
Machine Embroidery Designs And Other Unique Giifts to Enjoy! My Shipping is Free! I have an Automated Email Delivery System. You will receive a download link in your email instantly. No More Waiting for designs! You can download Your Designs instantly! You will get the following Formats: .pec, .pes, .xxx, .hus, vip, .vp3, .jef, .exp, .dst.
My customers are telling me how much they love the instant Downloads!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

September 2012 Classes

Classes September 2012

At the Viking Sewing Gallery

If you would like to sign up please do so by

Calling 801-968-8983

September 4, 2012 Time 6:00 pm Chenille in the hoop Cost $15.00 plus Supplies

In this class we will learn how to make Chenille Appliques in our hoop
Please Bring  Laptops and Dongles,
Embroidery machine and 100 x 100 hoop or the smallest you have
Tear away
Chenille Cutter
Little sharp embroidery scissors
5 layers of flannel 100 x 100
Sewing thread.
a new sharp needle

September 8, 2012 Time 10:00 Am 5D Pro Word Art! Cost $15.00

Please Bring Laptops and Dongles & Memory Stick

September 11, 2012 Time 6:00 pm Martha Pullens 30th Anniversary Quilt Cost is $15.00 Plus Supplise

There is a cost for the Pattern and a Cost for Embroidery Designs. That goes to Janette Contact me if you need more info on that Janette is also providing lace For a  Additional Charge.
Please Bring:  
4 1/2 yards of cotton Fabric ( I would use a Kona cotton)
1 1/2 yards of cotton for the lining of the fabric
60 wt cotton Thread
Rayon Embroidery Thread any color to match fabric Green for Stems
New sharp needle
Tear away stabilizer,
Sulvy Sulky Stabilizer (light plastic stuff)
Wing needle
blue fabric marker
blunt end scissors for lace
open toe foot
Rotary cutter, Mat & ruler
Different things for different months
this Class will be every 2nd Tuesday Sept, Oct, Nov, Jan, Feb, March, April MayJune.

September 18, 2012 Time 6:00 pm  Shaggy Christmas Sock Cost $15.00 Plus supplies

Please Bring

Supply list
For the Front squares on the stocking you will need 3 cotton or Flannel pieces
¼ of a yard each,  Fat quarters also work.  
For the backing of each square you will need 1/3 yard 
For the Stocking back you will need 1/3 yard 
For the top of the stocking you will need ¼ yard of fabric or fur. 
Embroidery Machine & Embroidery Unit & Everything you need to embroider.
This is Optional (if you want to embroider the top of the stocking) I did use a Cactus Punch design.
 Rag Quilt snips
Rotary Cutter & Mat & Ruler
Sewing Machine in good working order
Basic sewing supplies Scissors, seam ripper, measuring tape, pins, Blue fabric marker.

 September 25th,  Time 6:00 PM 5D PRO Cost is 15.00 TBA

Please bring laptops and Dongles

 Classes at Heartfelt Creations

Please Call 801-233-9028

September 5, 2012 Quilting 101  Time 6:00 Pm Cost $15.00 Plus Supplies
This is a fun class to learn everything about quilting while making this wonderful potholder.
September 6, 2012, Make Friend with your sewing Machine.  Time: 6:00 pm  Cost $15.00
This is a wonderful class to get to know your machine. You will learn all the ins and outs of your machine please bring owners manual and machine and all parts to it.
September 12, & 19 Candy Cane Quilt, Time 6:00 pm Cost $25.00 Plus Supplies
This is a quick and easy quilt just in time for the Holidays this quilt is a strip piecing technique
September 13, 2012, Christmas Stockings Time 6:00 pm Cost $15 Plus Supplies
(Picute will be posted soon)


Classes At Hancock Fabrics. Please Call Them to sign up for a class

Hancock Fabrics. 801-260-0343

Sept 7, 2012 Get to know your Serger Time: 5:30 Cost $15
this class is designed to help you with your new serger (or even an old one)
Please bring your serger and all the parts that came with it.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

We had a lot of fun in Tuesday nights class. Thanks for the great picture Dianne!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Special Guest Instructor:  Alix Graham-Michel

Presented by The Viking Sewing Galleries on the Wasatch Front

 Alix Graham-Michel is coming to our area for a fabulous 4 day
event in August. It is being held at Sherwood Hills Resort just
outside of Logan. We have a block of rooms reserved if you want to
stay there or you can drive each day. I have attached a picture of
the project, a beautiful Christening/Blessing gown, created from fine
linen and French Valencia laces. All fabrics, laces, threads, needles
and stabilizers will be in the kit. There will also be a Surprise
project (we supply our own fabric for) to change the pace. As we
know, Alix will show us much, much more!

Date - August 8,9,10,11 The first class on the 8th is from 7 pm to 9
pm. The next day, the 9th, we start at 8:30 am.
Place - Sherwood Hills Resort

$150.00 For the event fee, due now at the Viking Sewing Gallery  Store
(cash, check, credit card) Breakfast, lunch and a light afternoon
snack will be included with dinner on your own. I'm sure we can
figure that one out!
$175.00 For the kit fee, due the first day of class (cash or check
only, goes directly to Alix)
Designer Diamond Delux will be available or bring your own Designer
Diamond or Designer Diamond Delux to sew on.

Information on room reservation rate to come ( around $99); we are
firming that up. You can share with a buddy if you wish. Rooms are
not included.
Limited Seating available so call for your reservation soon!
We have had some questions about what do you do with this gown if
you don't have an impending birth. You can frame it, donate it, sell
it but my personal favorite ( and what I plan on doing) put it away
for a special grandchild or great grandchild or great great grandchild
for them to know a little part of you. There will be many techniques
taught that can be applied to lots of other projects.

We are going to have a smashing great time so please plan on attending!
Call for more information!

Viking Sewing Gallery Taylorsville


Janette Barker is not affiliated with this event in any way. She is just letting people know what exciting event is coming to the Wasatch Front, in Utah.

August 2012 Classes

At the Viking Sewing Gallery... Please Call to Sign up for Classes 801-968-8903

August 7, 2012: Time: 6:00 pm Cost $20 Plus supplies

Heirloom Notebook Class

In This Class We will be Doing
Lace to Lace

Roll & Whip

Pinless Lace Insertion
Supply List
·      3 Ring binder
·      sheet protectors
·      Sulvy Sulky Stabilizer (light to med weight clear plastic)
·      Wing needle
·      Lace cutting scissors (Blunt or round tip)
·      Bobbin or heirloom thread or lingerie Thread
·      Manuel Button hole foot  (Husqvarna Viking Foot C)
·      Open Toe foot with a mark in the center
·      Blue  fabric marker (water soluble)
·      Sewing Machine in good working order


August 11, 2012: Time: 10:00 Am

5D Embroidery Software

Getting to Know 5D Design Aligner

Please Bring Laptop and dongles


August 14, 2012: Time: 6:00 pm Cost $25 Plus supplies

Heirloom Notebook Class

In this Class We will be doing

Pulling Linen

Draw Stitch Linen by Machine

In this class we will be making this Adorable Baby bib

Please Bring

Light Yellow Sewing Thread
Wing Needle
sulvy sulky Stabilizer (light to Med weight clear plastic kind)
1 package Yellow Double Fold Bias Tape.
Wash Away Marker
Basic Sewing Supplies
Sewing Machine in good working order

August 21, 2012: Time: 6:00 pm Cost $15 Plus supplies

Machine Applique In the Hoop

We will be doing projects like the "Lunch Box Quilts or "Smart Needle"
You must have your own Machine embroidery design you have purchased
I will show you all the tips and tricks to machine applique in the hoop.  I will not be giving away any designs.

Supplies Needed

Machine Applique Embroidery Design  (you will have time to do 1 or two designs in class.
Embroidery  Machine.
Embroidery Unit, Hoop it calls for Fabric, Thread the design calls for
Tear away stabilizer
Small point scissors
Small blunt scissors.
Glue Stick

August 28, 2012: Time: 6:00 pm Cost $15 Plus supplies

4D Or 5D Pro

Family Tree

Please Bring Lap tops and Dongles

Classes At Heartfelt Creations

Please Sign up online at


Or Call them At

Phone: 801-233-9028

Aug 1, 2012 Quilted Table Runner, Cost is 15.00 Time is 6:00 pm
This is a wonderful Table runner to learn all the quilting techniques on. You will also have fund doing it as well.  The size is 21 x 42 inches

Supplies Needed:
1/2 Yard of a light Fabric
1/2 Yard of a light Fabric (additional)
1/2 yard of Medium Fabric
1/2 yard of Dark Fabric
1 ½  yard for boarder and back
Make sure all the fabrics look good together
blue marking pen
Basic sewing supplies
Rotary cutter, Mat and ruler
¼  inch Piecing foot for your machine
Stitch in the Ditch Foot for your machine
Quilt batting
Safety pins
Thread to match Fabric
Sewing Machine in good Working Order
Aug 2, 2012   Paper Piecing  101  Time: 6:00 pm Cost is $15 plus supplies
This cute pot holder is done a paper foundation So the lines are accurate. All you have to do is sew on the line to get wonderful Results

Supplies Needed
3 Green Fat Quarters
1 blue Fat Quarter
1 brown Fat Quarter
Rotary Cutter, Ruler, Mat
Cotton Machine Sewing Thread
Thinsilite (Thermal Batting) or regular quilt batting
Sewing Machine in good working order
Scissors, Pins, Seam ripper
Aug 8 2012,  Make Friends with your Machine,   Cost is 15.00  Time is 6:00 pm Top of Form

Supplies Needed:
Sewing machine, Foot Pedal and Cord
Fabric Scraps
All Parts and Pieces (even if you do not know what it is) that came with your machine.
Owners Manuel if you have one.
 Aug 9, 2012,  Sashing Borders & Finishing Class cost is $15 Plus Supplies Time is 6:00 Pm
We will have a lot of fun finishing your Quilts we will do Borders, Sashing’s and Binding. We will go over Fun Quilt labels, So Bring your finished quilt blocks, or your Quilted Quilts that need binding and labels.
Supplies Needed
Complete Quilt Blocks –Fabric for the Sashing’s and Borders
A quilted Quilt Ready for the binding & label
Cotton Sewing thread
Rotary cutter, Ruler & Mat
Basic Sewing supplies: Pins, Scissors, tape measure seam ripper
Hand sewing needles
Sewing Machine in good working order.
Aug 15 & 22, 2012 Patchwork Sampler Quilt Cost is $25.00 Plus Supplies Time is 6:00 pm
This is a very traditional patchwork Quilt that is very quick and Easy. You will have fun learning the great quilting Techniques in the wonderful quilt you can choose your size you can make a twin, full, queen or king for your bed.

Supply List
Yardage chart for Quilt (All Sizes)\
ll amounts are based on a usable fabric of width of 42 inches
Finished Size
Fabric A
Plain Blocks
Pieced blocks
Fabric B
Pieced Blocks
Outer Borders
Fabric C
Pieced Blocks
Middle Borders
Fabric D
Pieced Blocks inner Border & Binding
Fabric E

Twin 61 x 85
 1 ¾ yards
2 ¼ yards
2 yards
2 yards
5 1/2 yards
Full 78 x 102
1 ¾ yards
4 5/8 Yards
2 yards
2 yards
7 ¼ Yards
Queen 84 x 108
1 ¾ yards
4 ¾ yards
2 yards
2 yards
7 ¾ yards
King 102 x 102
 2 yards
5 ¼ yards
2 ¼ yards
2 ½ yards
9  ¼ yards
 Light Fabric A
Medium Fabric B
Dark Fabric C
Dark Fabric D
Dark Fabric E (Backing)
Cotton Thread to match fabrics or neutral Thread for Piecing
Rotary Cutter, Mat, and Quilting Ruler  At least 8 inches wide
Basic sewing supplies, Scissors, Seam ripper pins,
Sewing Machine in good working order.

Aug 23 & 30  2012, Time: 6 :00 pm  Paper Foundation Star/Flower Quilt. Cost is $25 plus Supplies. This is a Fun Class to put your Paper or Foundation piecing to Practice. We do a Paper Piecing flower and you get this fun and Easy Star Quilt. The approximate Size of this Quilt is 55 x 55 inches.

Supplies Needed
Color 1 ,  For the Flowers  ¾ yard
Color 2    For the Center of the Flower  ¼ yard
Color 3   For the Background  2 yards
Color 4  for the Center  of the stems or the center of the Stars  ¼ yard
Color  5 For the Stems ½ yard
Color 6 For the Border  1 ½ yards
Color 7 For the Back  4 yards
abric Scissors, Paper Scissors
Glue Stick (Washable)
Cotton Sewing Thread
Rotary Cutter, mat & Ruler
Sewing Machine in good working order

Classes At Hancock Fabrics

Please Call them to sign up for a Class


Get to Know Your Serger, Friday August 10, 2012.
Time: 5:30 to 8:00. PM Cost is $15.00
This class is a nice class that teaches you how to thread your serger . You will also learn how to do different Techniques on your serger. Please bring your serger and All Accessories for your serger Including your owners manual, Different colors of Serger Thread, and Fabric Scraps and scissors.
Get to Know Your Sewing Machine, Friday  August 17 2012.
Time: 6:00 to 8:00 pm Cost is $15.00
This class is a nice class that teaches you how to thread and run your Sewing Machine. You will also learn how to do different Techniques. Please bring your Sewing Machine and All Accessories for your Sewing Machine Including your owners manual, Thread, and Fabric Scraps and scissors